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Living Healthy From the Beginning


Updated: Dec 8, 2022

As humans, our formative years are possibly the most important years of our lives. In this stage of our life, we are learning new things everyday and building habits that can help us progress through the rest of our lives.

A Parents Role

In a child's life, their parents/guardians often have the biggest impact on their life. As a role model, they have the ability to guide a child in any way they wish.

Parenting Styles

A research study explored the affects of an authoritarian, permissive, and parent-child interaction styles of parenting on physical activity. While increased freedom from the other 2 styles has its benefits, an authoritarian style leads to "healthy child behaviors" (Andermo et al., 2021, pp. 1–1550).

Taking the Lead as a Parent

While authoritarian parenting is the most beneficial, there are other factors we must consider. Although parents should be creating regulations and boundaries, it should be done in a way that is both caring and respectful of the child, in an atmosphere that is motivating and supportive, in order to elicit the best response from the child (Andermo et al., 2021, pp. 1–1550).

What Can I do as a Parent?

  • Regulate Screen Time

  • Organize Physical Activities

  • Participate in Activities alongside your child

  • Provide your child with options/some autonomy


Andermo, S., Rydberg, H., & Norman, Å. (2021). Variations in perceptions of parenting role related to children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviours – a qualitative study in a Northern European context. 21(1), 1–1550.

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